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Black-chinned Hummingbird banded in NC

Hello All!

As some of you have already heard, I had a successful day hummer banding in
Hampstead yesterday.  Three birds of three different species!  I must thank
Chris Eley who went along to help with set-up, catching and photographing
the hummers.  He has made a few trips with me this season and is a real
asset in addition to being a very good birder.

At Paulette Biles, we re-captured the female Ruby-throated that we banded
there last week.  We also caught a female Black-chinned that had evaded me
two other trips.  I believe it is an adult.  No doubt, the colder temps
yesterday morning and my Russell Trap set-up made short work of things.
This is the first Black-chinned banded in NC and will make only the third
state record for the species.  Paulette is thrilled to be hosting such a
marvelous little bird and is very willing to share her with birders.  It is
very feisty and pretty much dominates the back feeder.  Anyone interested
in seeing this hummer MUST call Paulette for permission and directions as
she has a dog (chow) that must be contained for any visitors.  Her number
is: (910) 270-3096.  In addition, she can fill you in on all the details
you will need to separate the two look-alike Archilochus feeding in her
yard, given the fact that I did not color mark either of the hummers I
caught there.

We next visited Betty Scott and managed to capture her adult female Rufous
hummer, Blondie, for the third time.  Betty was very pleased to be able to
get photos and then release her one more time.  Again, the weather and a
different trapping scheme likely made it possible.  Blondie, too, had
managed to outfox me on two other trips to Hamstead in recent months.
Adding to the challenge, her territiory includes a good bit of the
neighborhood.  This includes the feeders of Eloise Sykes, where we saw
Blondie later that day.  She was almost certainly the Rufous individual we
caught glimpses of there last weekend -- who would not (naturally) have
anything to do with my cage trap.

So, it was a very pleasant and rewarding trip!  Many thanks to the Biles,
Scotts, and Sykes for their hospitality and cooperation in my endeavors.
Thanks also go out to the Willises (where I banded a Ruby-throated last
weekend) as well.  Their interest in hummers and congeniality has made
these good folks fast friends.  I look forward to many more visits in the
new millenium.

Finally, good luck to Paulette who will undoubtably be having a good number
of visitors over the coming weeks---

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
