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HBSP on 1-16-00

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, along with another birder, I was at HBSP. The weather was certainly
more seasonable than the balmy weather of last week.  It was clear to high
cloudy with south winds at B.S 3 (at least) on the beach and of lesser
strength inland.  Temps were probably in the high 50's by early afternoon.
49 (50) species.
1. Red-throated Loon-1
2. Common Loon-27
3. N. Gannet-20
4. Brown Pelican-4
5. Great Cormorant-2 at the end of the jetty on the channel marker
6. Double-Crester Cormorant-4
7. Great Egret-3
8. Snowy Egret-1 with bird of the year legs.
9. Tricolored Heron-2
   ?Reddish Egret?-1 briefly seen in flight probably this species.  Flew
into the far side of the jetty pond.  Slate blue gray wings not two toned
appeared too big to be Little Blue.
11.White Ibis-8 including 1 immature
12. Green-winged Teal-2 or 3 behind the Gadwall flock in Mullet Pond.
13. Am. Black Duck-2
14. Gadwall-25
15. Ring-necked Duck-10
16. Lesser Scaup-3
17. Bufflehead-20
18. Hooded Merganser-6
19. Red-breasted Merganser-3
20. Ruddy Duck-1
21. Turkey Vulture-4
22. Bald Eagle-1 probably a male hanging out in the pines overlooking
Mullet Pond.
23. N. Harrier-1
24. Black-bellied Plover-11
25. Piping Plover-10 good number in the tidal pond behind the jetty pond
26. Killdeer-1
27. Greater Yellowlegs-2
28. Lesser Yellowlegs-1
29. Willet-4
30. Ruddy Turnstone-9
31. Red Knot-2
32. Sanderling-5
33. Western Sandpiper-20
34. Purple Sandpiper-5
35. Dunlin 45
36. Short-billed Dowitcher-7
37. Bonaparte's Gull-15
38. Ring-billed Gull-10
39. Herring Gull-5 all immatures
40. Great Black-backed Gull-2
41. Forster's Tern-1
42. E. Phoebe-1
43. Tree Swallow-4
44. Carolina Chickadee-1 heard only
45. Tufted Titmouse-1 heard only
46. Yellow-rumped Warbler-25+
47. Savannah Sparrow-15
48. Song Sparrow-1
49. Red-winged Blackbird-1
50. Boat-tailed Grackle-8
(Iswich Sparrow-1)

Jack Peachey