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Re: PS Flycatcher-Thanks Will!

I arrived at the area off of Big Woods Rd. about 1:20,
and a little while later Doug Shadwick showed up. We
watched patiently while gc and rc kinglets flitted
about as well as Hermit thrushes,white-throats,
thrasher,chickadee,etc. Doug was fixing to leave and
then he spotted it down on the wire fence. So
green(olive) and yellow in the light. I was surprised
how beautiful he was. Up and down in the grass and
back up on the wire. He went all the way down the
fence westward and then around on BW Rd. Then he
appeared again and started moving eastward(towards the
lake) down the fence. Great eye-ring, too. I was
pretty excited, especially to see him so closely. What
a brave frontiersman in this odd land.
He arrived about 2pm and was there til 2:20. 
Then I went down to look for Crossbills and ran into
Dan Kaplan. When i told him about the flycatcher he
went down there. I hope he saw him. I did not see the
crossbills after almost one hour, then drove back and
saw the flycatcher on the fence again(wire really) at
Thanks so much to all of you who spotted this bird and
shared so specifically all the info with us. 

--- Michael Schultz <mschultz@duke.edu> wrote:
> Just minutes after Steve Shultz left Big Woods Rd.
> this morning the
> Pacific-slop Flycatcher did answer my tape twice. 
> But relax Steve, it did
> not make a visual appearance!!  Doug Shadwick
> remained after Lois and I
> left, did you have any luck Doug??
> Mike Schultz
> Durham, NC

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.
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