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NC Black-Chinned

Today was a very exciting day!  Our local newspaper was out taking
photos of the black-chinned for an article.  "Princess" was such a
"ham".  It was sort of like she knew she is a "celebrity".  Of course,
the cooler temps this am helped with her very frequent visits at the
feeder.  Both reporter and photographer were very impressed for the
good+ hour they were here, they saw her 5-6 times.  In fact, I was
amazed that the photographer noticed the difference in size between
Princess and my female ruby as a few hummer fights occurred.  It was a
good day and I feel it in my bones that a nice article will appear in
the paper on Princess and wintering hummers and all the time and efforts
Susan Campbell spent in capturing Princess.  Just wanted to share this
with you all.  Both Princess and ruby are doing fine.

Paulette Biles
Hampstead, NC