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3 Pine Siskins and deer!


With nearly 4 inches of white stuff, the feeders were buried this am. I
saw some huge tracks in the back yard by the pond and had to
investigate, thinking maybe I had a new type of visitor this morning.
Turned out several deer came up in the yard and were digging thru the
snow to get acorns that dropped in the fall. yet another good reason NOT
to rake leaves! Looks like they had breakfast on me as they really did a
number on the snow!

Soon as the feeders were filled I had one Pine Siskin(the one the other
day I saw once only) take it over! This Pine Siskin stayed at the
feeders as they became busy for a good while, then 2 others showed up
for a bit. I got great looks at one Pine Siskin as it landed on the
porch railing(6 foot away) ontop of the feeder cup that had sunflower
seeds stuck to it. It played king of the cup with 2 Gold Finches.

Purple Finches are the most common bird at the feeders numbering about
15-18 (3 males).

Randy Emmitt
snow bound in Rougemont, NC