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Pacific-slope Flycatcher seen 3 times Saturday

A large number of birders turned out to look for the Pacific-slope
Flycatcher today.  I arrived just after 8:30 to find only Lynn Barber at
the site; we both just missed the Chapel Hill Bird Club group that saw
the bird early this morning.  I had to wait until 12:30 before the bird
put in another appearance, which lasted only about a minute before it
disappeared in the woods.  During those 4 hours I make a very rough
guess that 40-50 birders stopped by (I counted a peak of 15 vehicles
parked, but I suspect twice that many came and went).  Unfortunately
most of the birders were gone before the bird's 12:30 appearance.
However, I returned a couple of hours later to learn that many birders
also had returned and made another, longer, sighting of the bird.
Apparently no one heard the bird vocalize today, and tape playbacks
produced no responses.

Kent Fiala
Raleigh NC