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Re: P-s FLY and other Jordan Lake birds

The P-s Fly is still around today (though I missed him) -- with a brief 
appearance at 12:30 and a longer one at ~2:30, in addition to the ~8:15 

Red Crossbills are also still around, at least at the Big Woods spot, 
though I missed them today.  I did see a flock of 14 Evening Grosbeaks 
nearby  -- follow the path along the fence to the Parker's Creek sewage 
plant, then turn right and follow the gravel road till it ends.  Very 
birdy spot this morning.

There's a nice flock of about 230 Hooded Mergansers on the north side of 
64, just west of the entrance to Parker's Creek.  I saw a new bird at 
Parker's Creek this morning -- a white Muscovy Duck.  I suspect it wasn't 
wild since it followed me around, begging for a handout.  :-)

Didn't see much from Ebenezer Point, though I did pick out 3 Redhead (1 
male, 2 female) in the gull flock about a mile offshore.

Got good looks at the the Driscoll's hummingbirds this morning -- in 
addition to the rufous-backed immature male Rufous that Susan banded, 
there's a new hummer -- a green-backed Rufous/Allen's with a few gorget 
feathers growing in.  (Looks like it's time for another trip to Chapel 
Hill, Susan...)

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina