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Jordan Lake CBC, 1/2/00

C-birders:  The Jordan Lake count is now posted on Birdsource for your 
perusal.  We had 92 species that day, and 17,336 individuals, approximately; 
both of these numbers are about average for counts the past 10 years. Of 
interest thougth was the fact that we had 17 high species counts.  These 
included Horned Grebe, DC Cormorant. Bald Eagle, American Coot, Killdeer, 
Red-bellied Woodpecker, YB Sapsucker, Downy Woodpecker, Flicker, 
White-breasted Nuthatch, Carolina and Winter Wrens, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 
Eastern Bluebird, Hermit Thrush, YR Warbler, and Red Crossbill.  The Red 
Crossbills were the most interesting bird of the day.  They have been 
reported on only one previous count, that time at Ebenezer Campground, where 
they had been seen 2 weeks before.  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher is not as unusual 
as one might think.  We have been seeing them at 2 or 3 year intervals since 
1982, the first year that the lake was full. In 1982 2 were reported, then 1 
each in 84, 86, and 90, a CW in 91, 2 in 93, 1 in 96, and now 2. The 
observers described them well.  Although 2 parties  (including Doug Shadwick) 
thought they heard Fish Crows, they were uncertain, and did not report it on 
their forms.  I would be very much interested to see if others have neard 
them locally at this time of year; they usually do not appear here until 
around March.
    Too bad the WS Flycatcher was not discovered until 2 weeks after the 
count, but maybe that will provide an incentive for future Count Week 
explorations.  It was a great beginning for the year Y2K.

Barbara Roth, compiler, with Norman Budnitz, co-compiler for NCJL