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snow birds

During the snow and wind on Tuesday, we had 30 species of birds in central
Raleigh. Only one was new for this winter season, a Fox Sparrow. We did not
have Siskins or Purple Finches or Red-breasted Nuthatch.. We did have a
Cooper's and a Red-tail. On Wednesday we had the same birds, but added a
Song Sparrow. Although we routinely have a pair of BH Nuthatches, they
were not seen all three days. We have yet to have a Hermit Thrush or a RC
Kinglet this winter.We often have Cedar Waxwings at our three garden pools,
but they were not around this week either. On Thursday morning we
discovered the entrails of a rabbit beside the deck that were not there
Wed. afternoon. Blood and bits of fur were nearby. No wing imprints were in
the snow, but a large depression was. We know this was either a Great
Horned Owl or a Red-Tail Hawk kill. When we went to take  pictures, per
John Conners request, the crows had gotten the entrails. All very gory, but
Good luck with the weather for all who plan on going to Beaufort. We are
sitting tight waiting for Sunday's storm.

Gail Lankford