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Re: Still snowing


I waded thru 16 inches of snow at 7:15 am and filled my large fly thru feeder. By
8:15 it was empty........... The birds are very busy here, I`ve even seen Titmice
hanging upside down from below my screen bottomed platform feeder. Never saw that

The visitors are good though I`ve had a Fox Sparrow eating under my feeder. Pine
Siskin and Pine Warbler in the feeder. Right now there`s a pair of Bluejays in
the fly thru, I`ve never seen them in that feeder before as they visit the
platform usually. I`ll be refilling the platform feeder as soon as it quits

Looks like I`ll be stuck here for days unless a snowplow shows up.

Randy Emmitt
Snowbound in Rougemont,NC

HALWB@aol.com wrote:

> Cbirders,
> Feeling sorry for the ground-feeding birds, I bundled myself up and walked
> out into the yard with several of those huge convenience store cups full of
> black-oil sunflower seed.  At a sufficient distance from my apartment, but in
> an area still close enough to watch from a window, I broadcast the bird food
> over the top of the snow.
> Maybe you have already guessed what happened.
> As the warm seed hit the cold soft snow, it impacted with enough force to
> come to rest just under the surface.  Then, it continued to sink.  It gets
> worse.  By the time I made it back inside to look out of the window, the
> falling snow had obliterated any trace of my efforts.
> My next plan is to put a cookie-sheet out and put the seed on top.  If that
> doesn't work, I am going to spread the last of the seed around on the kitchen
> floor and leave the back door open.
> Snowbound in Buies creek,
> Hal Broadfoot
> Hawb@aol.com