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NC Black-Chinned

Hi All!
Whew!  What a busy morning it's been.  Am taking a 5 minute break.  Both
"Princess" and "Ruby" are weathering our storm--we have about 5-6" of
snow, windy, and cold.  It's been quite a job to keep the portals open
and clear from snow on the feeders.  Both are feedeing at front feeder
which is a little bit more protected from wind--not much, though.  I
believe both are staying in large bush at corner of house as a lot of
other birds are too.  Sure glad I have these extra feeders to keep
swapping.  Have a heat lamp at back feeder but still am swapping feeder
there because of  back portals getting clogged with snow.

"Princess" and "Ruby" have some tough weather coming up with next few
nights being in 20s, maybe teens.  Hope they do ok.

In addition, what a job keeping seed out for my other feathered
friends.  As soon as you clear feeders, stations, etc. and put seed out,
it's covered.  I have a bird bath heater going (thanks to a lovely gal
who loaned it to me after seeing article in newspaper on black-chinned)
and the birds are enjoying that.  

Well, gotta get back and take care of all feeders.  Have a great day,
you all!

Paulette Biles
Hampstead, NC

Paulette Biles
Hampstead, NC