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Very snowy birds

Well, this is a first for me in NC.  We have at least 15 inches of snow
on the ground.  I had to cut a trench back to the feeders to keep from
flooding my boots everytime I went back, which has been pretty frequently
today.  I tried spreading seed on the ground, but the snow soon covered
it.  I thought it was a waste until I realized those enterprising Juncos
and WT Sparrows were finding it under the snow and digging it out. 
Pretty smart but I guess you have to be in this kind of weather.  Had a
first ever Purple Finch, and a Fox Sparrow that shows up only
occassionaly.  A Ruby Crowned Kinglet spent the better part of the day
under the suet feeder.  I guess she knew a good thing when she found it. 
She didn't budge even when I was less than 2 feet away.  I'll have to try
for some pics tomorrow.
Glad to hear the Hampstead hummers are doing well.  How 'bout the Chapel
Hill birds?

Soon to have a serious case of cabin fever,
Steve Shultz
home e-mail: tropicbird@juno.com
9 miles SE of Cary, NC
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