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PSFL and bare ground

Hi again,

The Michigan listserv was having an in-depth discussion of the weather we 
are having down here (apparently they have pretty lax controls up there 
on off-topic messages), so I gave them an update, including on our 
friendly neighborhood Pacific-Slope Flycatcher. I received an interesting 
response which is forwarded below. Maybe we won't have to buy the little 
guy crickets...

Meanwhile, i just drove out to Oxford and back to rescue a friend whose 
car couldn't get out of his driveway. En route, I noted impressive 
numbers and varieties of birds along the road. Juncos I expected, Hermit 
Thrushes were not a surprise, but several Killdeer were also lingering on 
the pavement, and at one point an American Pipit hopped up along the side 
of route 15. I guess the roads are the only bare ground available for 
them to feed on... My friend's feeders in Oxford had one each Field and 
Chipping Sparrow amidst a swarm of Juncos and Cardinals, and an accipiter 
of some kind flew off as we arrived.

Good birding,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 16:54:42 -0500
From: Steve Santner <santners@karmanos.org>
Subject: Re: Report from the Carolina Piedmont

    Your Pacific Slope Flycatcher is a shock all right but they do seem to be
able to survive harsh conditions.  We had one two years in a row on the
Southern Lancaster County (Pennsylvania) Christmas count in the early 90s.
It very cooperatively vocalized (and was recorded) both years.

    Steve Santner


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
