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Status in the Sandhills

Hello All!

We finally have power again here in the sunny Sandhills.  It has been a
long couple of days- keeping our elderly neighbords warm and fed here at
our place and keeping the bird feeders filled has been a full time job.
Glad I am feeling better but cannot say the same for my hubby..

Yes, 15 inches or so of snow and our cove is just about frozen over (first
time in history, I believe).  There seems to be ice everywhere under the
snow.  It'll take a good while to thaw and for things to return to normal.

Not surprisingly, all the birds in the county (certainly all the
goldfinches) seem to be in our yard.  It has been great entertainment: 30
species including Field Sparrow and Rusty Blackbird.  Finally some Chipping
Sparrows appeared too.  I am very glad I made a double batch of PB-suet
food last week!  Flocks of Bluebirds and Pine Warblers have been perched in
the dogwoods almost constantly, taking turns at the three feeders I cram
full of food three times a day.  My seed is about to run out though.  So
it'll be off to the store in the 4WD this afternoon...

I have been in touch with a number of the hummer hosts in the Carolinas and
all is well with their birds so far.  Glad we will have a few hours above
freezing today for them to bug-hunt.   But I do hope the NektarPlus folks
in FL have some of their product (protein powder) in stock and ready for
overnight delivery.  They will be getting some calls from the Carolinas
today for sure!

I wonder how the flycatcher is?  If anyone gets over to that area, please
post a note.  I plan to be up that way next week and have not seen that
bird yet.

Let's hope Saturday's predicted storm does not add insult to injury--

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
