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Alledged P-s Flycatcher

Like Kent Fiala I wasn't going to get involved with the P-s Flycatcher 
identification because I have no claim to bird id skills and struck out on my 
one attempt to see the bird.  However, since Harry has pointed out the 
problems in identification of Pacific-slope vs. Cordilleran Flycatcher I 
thought I might share an opinion I heard on my recent trip to the Pacific 
coast of Mexico with Steve Howell, Wings tour guide who lives in California.  
We saw numerous examples of both Pacific-slope and Cordilleran which Steve 
differentiated by altitude of the site where seen.  It is his opinion that 
the split is incorrect.  In his experience the songs and calls of both birds 
get mixed in different combinations according to where it is found on its 
breeding grounds.

Clyde Smith