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Hooper Lane directions?

Wayne, Len and others,

Several birders from Tennessee will be passing through Henderson Co., NC,
on our way to the coast this coming weekend and would like to make a run 
by Hooper Lane and the sod farm.  Could someone please give us some
specific directions from I-26.  Are then any rules about birding this
area that we should know about?  Also, are the Short-eared Owls being seen
throughout the day or only at dusk?

Thanks for the help, you may reply to me directly at kde@utk.edu if
you don't wish to bog down the list.  BTW, unfortunately I don't have
an NC DeLorme.

Dean Edwards
Knoxville, TN

K. Dean Edwards
Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Phone --  865-974-7358
Fax --  865-974-5274