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Hooper Lane - SuperSod

Hi Everybody,
I stopped by Hooper Lane on the way home from Asheville today to see if I
could catch the reported Lapland Longspurs.  Found Horned Lark and a distant
Pipit flock, but to far away to pick out Longspurs.  While I was there one
of the SuperSod supervisors recognized me and stopped by to talk.
Apparently a birder this last Saturday climbed up onto a trailer bed to use
it as an elevated observation point for their tripod.  Wayne may want to add
some comment to this as he knows the SuperSod folks very well.  The SuperSod
folks are most welcoming of birders viewing over the property but: 1) do not
block any gates 2) do not interfere with or touch any equipment and 3) stay
on the roads and off the fields.  Hooper Lane is a valuable birding location
for the Western N.C. area and we should all strive to uphold the property
owners wishes.  The SuperSod Supervisor's concern about liability should
someone get hurt while on their equipment or property is not an uncommon or
unreasonable position in today's litigious society.  Please lets all give
the proper respect to Private Property owners wishes when we visit their
See Ya,
Stephen Harris
Charlotte, NC