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Cardinals singing

It seems that the time of year when birds start singing is controlled by the
photoperiod and is little affected by temperature. During the past three
years I have noted start times for the several species in my immediate
neighborhood (where I walk the dog) and am always amazed by 1) how early in
the year they start and 2) the time and order in which the different species
start singing. They seem to vary very little from year-to-year.
By the first week of January Tufted Titmouse sings and is closely followed
by Song Sparrow. The last week Cardinals begin but not every morning.
Chickidees chime in in the first week of February and a little later
woodpeckers begin their drum rolls, the smaller ones first I think but am
not sure of this. Robins and Bluebirds do not begin to sing until a week
after Valentines Day.
I'm sure more valid studies have been done on this but it always brightens
the day to hear the first Titmouse around New Years when the winter begins
to wear on me.
                                                          Reece Mitchell
Reece 'n Judy Mitchell
Flat Rock, NC