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East TN birds

Hi folks,

Yesterday I had an errand to run in Elizabtheton TN and turned it into a
trip to see Wilbur, Watauga and South Holston Lakes.  The Harlequin at South
Holston was not there and hasn't been reported since the 31st on valley
birds I guess.  There were plenty of other stuff though including Great Blue
Heron, Ruddy Duck, Bufflehead, American Widgeon, Greater and Lesser Scaup,
Canada Goose, Mallard, Redhead, Pied-billed Grebe, Ring-necked Duck,
Ring-billed Gulls, Raven plus some land birds.

I will be running a trip over there in March so email me if you want more

The robins, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, song sparrows and house
finches  are even singing in Boone despite the cold weather and snow on the
ground.  Can't wait for spring!!

Curtis Smalling
Ecos of the Blue Ridge