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Research Technician Position (fwd)

Hi C-birders,

Below is a job opening that would be great for young birders looking for 
a summer job. If you know anyone by that description, pass this along.

And good news from our neighbor to the north: Virginia has *finally* 
approved limits on horseshoe crab harvests (years after New Jersey, 
Delaware and Maryland, but better late than never), hopefully ensuring 
that the shorebirds migrating via Delaware and Chesapeake Bays to or from 
the Carolinas will find abundant snacks along the way....

Good birding,



Todd Plummer <tplummer@BELLSOUTH.NET> 
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 07:57:18 -0500

Wildlife Research Job Offering
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Unit, University of Georgia

Research Project: Response of Neotropical Songbirds to Management for
Red-cockaded Woodpeckers

Positions Available:  Research Technicians (2) and Intern (1)

Location:   Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge near Macon, GA

Work dates:   Technicians: approximately May 1 through late June,
perhaps into July
 Intern: early April through late June (later work may be available)

Pay:   Technicians can earn up to $350 per week ($7.47 per hour).
Interns will receive a stipend of $75 per week.  Work weeks average
40+ hours.

Overview: Individuals needed to assist in study involving sample
counts of birds in southern Piedmont forest terrain. Starting in
April, an intern will assist in laying out point count locations in
various locations on the 35,000 acre Piedmont NWR. Starting in early
May, the Technicians and Intern will assist in doing point counts and
line transect surveys of various bird species.

Responsibilities: Both positions require the ability to identify
certain common southeastern bird species by song. This skill is
ESSENTIAL. Some training will be provided, but technicians are
expected to have some familiarity with these songs.  All positions
will assist with vegetation sampling in our bird survey locations.
Prior experience is desirable but not essential.

Free housing is provided on-site.  Communal living requires a
cooperative spirit, sense of humor, and personal responsibility for
basic housekeeping. The refuge is heavily forested with the potential
for a high tick population. All personnel must follow established
guidelines to reduce the likelihood of catching a tick-borne disease.
Lyme tests are available after the field season. Candidates must be in
good physical condition with the stamina to survey forested terrain
during high heat and humidity. A valid driver's license and good
driving record are required. Operation of a 4-wheel drive and/or
manual transmission vehicles is required.

To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and 2 references with current
phone numbers and addresses to:

Todd Plummer
Warnell School of Forest Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

or email to: tplummer@bellsouth.net


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
