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Re: Need Some Help

From the Peterson Guide to the birds of Britain and Europe, ca 1974:

Barn Owl = Schleiereule
Snowy = Schneeule
Long-eared = Waldohreule
Short-eared = Sumpfohreule
Tengmalm's = Boreal = Rauhfusskauz
Hawk Owl = Sperbereule
Great Gray = Bartkauz

It's no help with the strictly North American species like screech, great
horned, barred.

Chris Hill
Coastal Carolina University
Conway, SC

On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Judy Walker wrote:

> The Carolina Raptor Center is in the process of translating the signs on
> their display trail into several different lanugages. (We get a lot of
> international folk coming throught). The people doing the signs did literal
> translations of the birds names. However, we all know that doesn't always
> work. We have been able to unearth texts with most of the species in other
> languages (ie. Spanish and French). However, we are having trouble with
> German names for our noctural raptors. Does anyone know of a source that
> would provide the German names for our local owls? Has Peterson's or
> anyother field guides been translated into German with reasonable accurracy?
> I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
> Judy Walker
> CIMC/Atkins Library
> UNC Charlotte
> jwalker@email.uncc.edu
> Voice: 704-547-2559