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Re: Common Redpoll

I got a call today from someone in Durham (Anderson St.) who saw a Common 
Redpoll (black chin and all) at her feeder.  I asked her to call me back if 
she sees it again and warned her that there would be dozens of people 
wanting to come see it.  I'll pass along any news ASAP.

Anxiously waiting for the phone to ring...


On 21 Feb 00, at 16:28, Jerrold Griggs wrote:

> The election is over in South Carolina, but not the Polling!
> This morning, while cleaning windows in my second floor study, I checked
> the birds on the feeder below and was astonished to see finch with a
> red head cap, not red all around like a male House Finch or Purple Finch.
> I raced downstairs, and took photos from close range from the kitchen
> window (in poor light).  The black throat patch stood out, before I
> checked the field guide and realized it should have one.  This bird
> was mostly brownish on the back, a Common Redpoll.  Then it took off,
> and it hasn't been relocated.  I wrote down full details immediately.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina