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Sun/Santee Sparrow Update

One dozen assorted sparrows, to go.

Many of the fields at Santee NWR's Cuddo Unit have been plowed under,
forcing the remaining birds into smaller pockets of habitat in field corners
and edges, but they haven't all left yet.  Many other good fields remain
outside but in the vicinity of the refuge and are worth checking.

LeConte's 6-7 total at three locations, Cuddo & a field near Pine Is. Unit
Henslow's 1-2, Cuddo
Fox 2, Cuddo
Savannah 50+ several locations-the ubiquitous SC winter sparrow
Song 40+
Swamp 35+
White-throated 40+
Field 30
Chipping 45+
Dark-eyed Junco 3 (Cuddo & Santee SP)
Vesper Sparrow 20+ (near Orangeburg Supersod Farm)
E. Towhee (heard only, but edging out that Euro-trash weaverfinch for an
even dozen sparrows)

Other birds of interest:  atleast 11 Brewer's Blackbirds still present at
the Goat Is. farm.  1 Rusty Blackbird, Cuddo; Brown Creeper, Cuddo.

Other signs of spring:  Horned Lark and Field Sparrow singing at Orangeburg
Sod Farm, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers copulating at Santee State Park. A
perfect February day to be out.

Mark Dolan
Tim Kalbach, grebe@mindspring.com, Columbia, SC