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Cowan's Ford Venture and Texas

Our day trip to Cowan's Ford, McGuire Nuclear Plant and Coddle Creek
Reservoir, Charlotte, NC on 19 February went very well. Under the expert
guidance and direction of local birder, Stephen Harris, we found almost 60
species...not bad for a winter day birding!

Highlights were:
Several Common Loon and Horned Grebe
A large mixed flock of Greater and Lesser Scaup: wonderful for species
Canvasback, Red-breasted merganser and lots of Ruddy Duck
Plus the typical winter passerines, including singing Brown Thrasher (spring
is not far away!)
A couple of Mourning Cloak butterflies for good measure.
Complete birdlists are now on the Ventures web-site

Our next day trip will be to Hooper Lane, Henderson County, NC on 4 March.
Local birder, Wayne Forsythe, will be taking us to all of those places in
this area where some wonderful birds have been found over the past year. We
also have 2 spaces still left on the South Texas trip at the end of March.
Wayne and I have just returned from a "scouting trip" along the Rio Grande
Valley, with an excellent selection of local birds "under our belt." These
included Rufous-backed and Clay-coloured Robins, White-collared Seedeater,
Red-billed Pigeon, tropical Parula, 4 Orioles....the list goes on.
Please contact the Ventures office or check our website for further

Simon Thompson
Ventures, Inc. Birding & Natural History Tours
PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776
Phone/Fax: 828.859.0382