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HBSP 2/19

Went to Huntington Beach and spent maybe 8 hours birding the area. Got a 
total of 67 species. All the usuals plus some pretty interesting species. 
Including Purple Sandpipers. Here are our days finds - 

Red Throated Loon - 2
Common Loon - 2
Brown Pelican - 2
DC Cormorant - 12
GB heron - 2
G Egret - 2
S Egret - 1
Tri Heron - 1
TV - 2
Canada Goose - 21
Tundra Swan - 3
Mallard - 12
Green Winged Teal - 15
Ring Necked Duck - 10
Greater Scaup - 14
Lesser Scaup - 5
Hooded Merganser - 10
RB Merganser - 3
Harrier - 1
Cooper - 1
Coot - 12
Black Bellied Plover - 4
Kildeer - 4
Greater Yellowlegs - 1
Willet - 4
Ruddy Turnstone - 9
Sanderling - 23
Western Sandpiper - 1
Purple Sandpiper - 1
Dunlin - 15
SB dowitcher - 76
Laugh Gull - 14
Ring Billed Gull - 25
GBB Gull - 4
Bon Gull - 55
Herring Gull - 3
Forsters Tern - 3
Mourning Dove - 12
Kingfisher- 1
RB Woodpecker - 1
Blue Jay - 5
Crow - 12
Titmouse - 5
Chickadee- 3
RC Kinglet - 3
Bluebird - 4
Hermit Thrush - 1
Robin - 13
Mockingbird - 2
Thrasher - 1
Butterbut - 50 +
RW Blackbird - 13
Meadowlark - 3
Grackle - 23
Boat Tailed Grackle - 13
Towhee - 1
Song Sparrow - 1
WT sparrow - 23
Cardinal - 2

(Charlotte NC)