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Re: eggshells

>Does anyone have any thoughts on how fine to crush the eggshells?  I ground
>some up with a spoon but the pieces look pretty big to me so I thought I
>would put them in the mini-processor for a spin or two.
>Barb Brooks
>Hillsborough, NC

BARB . . .

Hold off on global warming and just hit the eggshells with a hammer. :-)

The bigger birds (jays, etc.) will take the larger pieces and break 
them up, while the dickey birds can compete for everything else.




BILL HILTON JR., "The Piedmont Naturalist"
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road
York, South Carolina 29745

e-mail: <hilton@hiltonpond.org>

Voice: (803) 684-5852

eFax: (503) 218-0845

Hilton Pond Website:  <http://www.hiltonpond.org>

Operation RubyThroat Website:  <http://www.rubythroat.org>

"Never trust a person too lazy to get up for sunrise or too busy to 
watch the sunset."

