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Re: those darn kinglets again

Let me first say that these opinions have no basis whatsoever in science, just
some things I was thinking about in regards to this thread.

I don't feel that the recent snow event brought with it terribly unusual
temperatures for the northeast piedmont.  Other than the fact that there was a
ton of snow, the temps were not particularly severe.  I don't think it dropped
below 10 at any time at RDU.  Each year we usually experience a cold snap of
similar duration and "severity".  I think this one just stands out in our mind
because of the unusual snowfall and the "recency" aspect of memory.  So, if the
temps were not that unusual (some may debate this, does anyone have access to
USWS info?) maybe the snowfall caused an issue?  Well, I agree this would cause
a major issue for ground feeders such as woodcock, killdeer, towhees, etc, but
would the snow affect a bird that mainly feeds above the ground?  There was no
ice involved with this particular storm so the trees were pretty clear.  There
does not seem to be a shortage of robins, killdeer, or woodcock.  (Incidentally
my neighborhood's killdeer threesome made it although they looked kind of silly
standing around in driveways until the snow melted!)

I guess I'm not ready to assume that the kinglets died just because they "seem"
to be more scarce now than pre-storm.  Maybe the birds are moving back toward
their summering grounds, as are many other species.  Maybe they moved in direct
response to the poor, but not extreme, weather.  Maybe they didn't go anywhere,
and maybe some did die.  It just did not seem that severe of a weather event to
cause the effects described.  Please let me finish by expressing that I
certainly do appreciate the opinion's of those on the other sides of this
discussion.  I am hypothesizing on pure speculation, and am interested in
learning more about the effects of weather on birds.

Anyway, this type of thread will keep us busy while those neotropical wonders
wing their way toward the Carolinas.  I wonder what's coming across the Gulf

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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