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Eared Grebe at Jordan Lake (Fwd)

An Eared Grebe was seen today at Jordan Lake, in about same spot as the last 
report, which was last winter (I think).

P.S. Re: those darn kinglets again - it dipped below 10 F for a few nights 
after the big snow.  The lowest official low at RDU was 1 F.


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Date sent: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:18:17 -0400

   I thought people might be interested in the following.   A winter
plumage Eared  Grebe is making an appearance on Jordan Lake.    I saw it in
the company of Horned Grebes from Ebenezer Point in the usual location for
grebes (i.e. between Vista Point and Seaforth,  but closer to Seaforth and
about half way across the lake.   There were also six male Red-breasted
Mergansers in the same area.

Doug Shadwick

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Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina