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RE: still more binocular input

I have recently acquired a pair of Leica 10x32BA binoculars.  I couldn't
possibly be more pleased with them.  The Leicas have displaced my
ten-year-old Zeiss 10x42BGAT set as the best binoculars I have ever used for
two very important (and one more somewhat important) reasons.

1. Leicas focus down to 8 ft. as opposed to 16 ft. for the Zeiss

2. Flare suppression in the Leicas is MUCH better when the binocs are
pointed sunward.  Not that the Zeiss are not good in this respect -- they
are better than most.  But, the Leica set is significantly better here.

3. The Leicas are significantly smaller tho only slightly lighter than the
Zeiss.  I have used an "Eliminator" binocular harness for more than a
decade.  NO weight on the neck AT ALL.  This is the ONLY way to carry
binoculars, as far as I am concerned.

I have not found the smaller aperture of the Leicas to be a significant
handicap.  I purchased the Leicas on the web at a total cost of $800, incl.
shipping. (My daughter now happily owns and uses the Zeiss binocs, so don't
ask! <G>)

	Tom "colors outside the lines" Lorenzin
	Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
	SkyTomX@XMindspring.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
	(remove Xs to use addresses)
	In the beginning there was nothing, and God said, "Let there
	be light." And there was still nothing, but you could see it.
	Visit me at:

-----Original Message-----
From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
[mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of Seth Williamson
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 19:28
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject: Re: more bionocular input

> Like Len, I bought the Bausch and Lomb 10x42 Elites...
> I love the B&L Elites. They feel great in my hands, which are relatively
> small. And the optics are supurb. Although relatively heavy, they are
> lighter than some other excellent optics, and I got accustomed to the
> weight in no time...

I got the B&L 10x42 Elites myself back in the fall.  They are simply
amazing.  Best optics I've ever used.  They pretty much revitalized my
birding life.  I have had them for months now, and yet I still look forward
to going out in the field because they are such a pleasure to use.  It is a
sensual pleasure to hold and use these things.  There may be better
binoculars out there, but if so, I haven't used whatever they might be.

Seth Williamson
Floyd, VA