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Good kinglet news

Hello all,
I was so pleased to see a ruby-crowned kinglet eating suet in my yard
yesterday after seeing all the mail about the probable species losses
due to the snow/cold. The one kinglet I have ever seen in my yard was
there in December and January and I hadn't seen it since. He may have
been there since then, but not when I was looking, but Sunday there he
was, on the same suet feeder as before. So whether "my" kinglet survived
or this is a new one, I said a Carolinabirds hooray!

My son and I went to the Carolina Raptor Center near Charlotte
yesterday. It is astonishing and awesome to be mere feet from uncaged
(but tethered!) owls, hawks, and falcons. I urge any of you who haven't
visited this wonderful facility to check it out. Their web site is

Happy birding,
Carol Williamson
Durham, NC