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RUHU, YTWAs, etc.

Hello y'all,
    My little pal's still hanging out. I expect him to show up missing any
day now.
    Accompanied the Snavely clan down to Santee Coastal Reserve today.
Highlights were: numerous Bachman's sparrows singing, one so kind as to
perch on a powerline while it sang...and sang...and sang. It was still
perched and singing when we left. Too easy! A few RCWs easily observed.
Numerous close-up views of Yellow-throateds and N. Parulas. Very distant in
swamp, Prothonotary song heard twice! An Am. Bittern beside the boardwalk. A
pair of Red-tails and 4 BV's riding the same thermal. A Bald Eagle.
    At Santee Delta east, a solo Wood Stork soaring and a huge flock of
White Ibis; several Anhinga.
    Falcate Orange-tip, E. Tiger and Black Swallowtail, Little Yellow,
Cloudless Sulphurs seen. And lotsa bugs!

Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton." (Darwin)