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Week's list

Our birding family from Penn. came to visit and here are some 'not so
usual birds' we saw:
HBSP:  Pair of Ospreys displaying over a fish
Blue-winged teal  3  :  Green-winged teal  2:  Buffle head  7:  Moorhen 
1:Coot  5: Gadwall  3:  Lesser Scaup :  Swamp Sparrow : Ruby-crowned
Kinglet: Cedar Waxwing 7: Plovers, Willets, Dowitchers. Dunlin, Lesser
Yellow legs:  N. Harrier.  Over the North Parking lot a Sharp-Shinned

Stopped by 78th Ave. N and saw 3 collard doves: a Common Loon, and many

At Sunset Beach 30 White Ibis,  Loggerhead Shrike

Gary Phillips offered to guide us on a walk to Santee Wildlife Refuge on
3/9, so we left early and arrived about 9:30.  By 10: we had located the
Red Cockaded Woodpecker, a first for grandson Joe, and a long look with
scope of a Bachman's Sparrow.  It sang while we watched it.  Joe had
heard the Sparrow with Jack P. several years ago but this day we saw it. 
Brown-headed Nuthatch.
	A walk to the pond yielded Yellow Throats, Parula warblers, Bald Eagle,
Anhinga, Wood Duck and an American Bittern that walked across the trail
in front of the group twice.

	At the Santee Delta the movements of Anhingas indicated they were
nesting.  White Ibis 30, Wood Stork, N. Harrier GC Cormorant and Marsh

Ernest & Lois Snavely        Loris, SC 29569      843 756  4824