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Byebye, bats :-(

Hi there,

Well, "my" little brown bats have moved on, it seems. They were there Thursday morning, but I haven't seen or heard them since. I guess they found a better place to roost. 

<Sniff> now I know how my folks felt when my sis and I both moved out in the same week. <g>

Behind the shutters probably was not the best place for them, really. My windows are all on the first floor, and there is a rather bloodthristy cat that frequents the patio looking for (and often catching) birds. I don't think she'd think twice about snagging a mouse with wings.

I'm going to ask the landlady about letting me put up a bat box, but I have a feeling she won't be keen on the idea. She's of the "Bats nest in women's hair" generation. :-) But last year she was complaining about the mosquitos, so I may have a valid argument for a bat box.

One question, do bats migrate? Is it possible these guys were just stopping off on their way to their summer home?

Raleigh, NC