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Spring arrives at Congaree Swamp

Hi Carolina Birders!

I went down to Congaree Swamp National Monument today at dawn and noticed
that spring arrivals were right on schedule.  There were many
Yellow-throated Warblers singing, and a few Northern Parulas.  Also in
evidence were a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a singing Common Yellowthroat, and
lots of White-eyed Vireos singing, as well as a Brown-headed Cowbird.  The
most unusual arrival was a Louisiana Waterthrush.

The best birding experience this morning was hearing some of our wintering
species in song, including Hermit Thrush, Winter Wren, and Ruby-crowned
Kinglet.  I might have thought I was in the north woods, except for the din
of Yellow-throated Warblers and Tufted Titmouses!