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New Rd. on 3/10

Hello y'all,
    New Rd. and the sewage ponds yielded the following this p.m.
P-b Grebe - 2
Canada Goose - 40 (2 hybrids of some ilk)
Ring-necked Duck - 8
Ruddy - 2
Lesser Scaup - 12
TV - 2
Am. Coot - 2
Killdeer - 6
C. Snipe - 3
R-b Gull - 3
M. Dove - 2
B. Kingfisher - 1
R-b Wp. - 2
Y-b Sapsucker - 1
Downy Wp. - 1
N. Flicker - 1
Pileated Wp. - 1
Blue Jay - 3
Fish Crow - 5
C. Chickadee - 2
T. Titmouse - 2
Brown Creeper - 1
C. Wren - 2
R-c Kinglet - 2
B-g Gnatcatcher - several; much singing (1 responded with an interesting
rendition to Black-throated Green Warbler song)
Am. Robin - 1
N. Parula - 1 (heard)
Yellow-rumps - numerous
Yellow-throated W. - 1 (heard)
Pine W. - 1 seen, number heard
Palm W. - 1
C. Yellowthroat - 1 male
N. Cardinal - 3
Song Sparrow - 4
Swamp Sp. - 3 very handsome inds.
White-throated Sp. - 1 seen, several heard
Red-winged Blackbird - 3
C. Grackle - numerous
Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 female

Now some bad news; a logging crew is clearing a stand of pines that borders
part of the swamp for a subdivision. Last year, a subdivision was built that
reaches one side of the swamp. Now this side of the rectangle is being
cleared. A reliable source says New Rd. will be paved soon.
I feel that one of my dearest friends is being put to death.

Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton." (Darwin)