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Lake Junaluska on a cold, blustery, Sun. morn with the occasional flurry:

Greater yellowlegs (1)			Least sandpiper (1)
Killdeer (numerous)			Great blue heron (1)
Horned grebe (1/2 doz. 1 close to                  Pied-billed grebe (12+-)
                breeding plumage)
Bonaparte's gull (1)			Ring-billed gull (1/2 doz.)
Hooded mergansers (20-40)		Ring-necked duck (75 +)
Redhead (12+-)				Blue-winged teal (10+-)
Lesser scaup (10+-)			American wigeon (few)
Bufflehead (2)				Tree swallow (numerous)
Sharp-shinned (1)

Bob Olthoff and I made a quick survey of the lake this morning (3/12/00). 
As you can tell, we didn't do a precise count and we didn't pay much 
attention to passerines.

Shorebird migration at Junaluska is iffy. The annual drawdown has to 
coincide with migration. It looks like we might get a shot at some migrants 
this year.

Don Hendershot (828) 452-4569
Waynesville, NC
A Walk On The Wildside   www.outdoorfun.com/walk.htm