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Raven Rock SP

This morning I needed to get out and did not have time to go anywhere
distant, so I drove up to Raven Rock State Park and was there when the
gates opened at 8 a.m.  Refusing to allow wind and cool temperatures to
discourage me, I took the Campbell Creek loop trail.  All of the 15 species
of birds that I was able to identify were either permanent residents or
winter birds.  The best were a hermit thrush and a hairy woodpecker.  The
hairy was near the privy for the wilderness camp site.  I noticed first
that it looked like a very robust downy.  Closer inspection showed that its
bill was about as long as its head, much longer than a downy's bill.  I've
seen lots of downies but have never, to my knowledge, heard the "pik" call
that they make.  This one I could hear while it was reasonably close.  I
attempted to check the white outer feathers of its tail, but the bird
wouldn't cooperate, so I had to be satisfied with the very good looks that
I got of its head, bill, and overall size.


Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu