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Migrants and an unexpected swan

My first Purple Martin and Rough Winged Swallow of the year were at the
NCSU Dairy Pond this morning.  Most of the wintering ducks have left,
only Ruddies, a pair of Green winged Teal and a lone Bufflehead remain. 
I had hoped for a Solitary or a Least SP, but I guess I need to wait a
few more days.  

The Tundra Swans on Lake Wheeler appear to have left; only one swan
remains.  At first glance we assumed it was a Tundra, but the second look
revealed an adult Mute Swan.  The origin of the bird is uncertain, I'm
guessing it is either from the Lochmere (Cary) flock or one of the two
Mutes that used to hang out over at Greenview (one died last year).

Back in the yard a Purple Finch and a Chipping Sparrow arrived this AM. 
I guess some birds are moving out and others moving in!  Also noticed a
broken eggshell in the yard so someone is nesting.  I'll put my money on
Mourning Dove.

Steve Shultz
Southeast of Apex NC
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