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voyeuristic birding, et.al.

  Incredibly, for third week in a row I saw a pair of red-shouldered hawks 
mate today. This was a pair with nest along Bolinwood Greenway near Franklin 
St. Are red-shouldereds especially randy or is it just my impeccable timing 
  Other tidbits: yellow-throated warblers are singing and posing at 
Stagecoach Rd. (Chatham Cty). Blue-gray gnatcatchers were also on Bolinwood 
Grnwy., as well as foraging male pileated I watched all winter but whose 
nesthole I can't now find. And haven't seen UNC female barred owl for last 3 
days so she may be on nest.

  and some miscellany:  for the few who might be able to make this, Alan 
Feduccia (who argues rather persuasively that birds DID NOT evolve from 
dinosaurs) is speaking at 3:30 Tue.3/28 at Bullshead Bookstore on UNC 
campus, and excellent new book by Chris Cokinos on extinct birds is out, 
"Hope Is the Thing With Feathers" (including Carolina Paroquet, to make it 
pertinent to C-birds!).

**Rob Gluck     Chapel Hill     thrush@hotmail.com

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