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Huntington Beach S.P.

Hi Carolinabirders,
	As part of a two day workshop on "Status and Future of Shorebird Research,
Management and Education in the Southeastern U.S.", the workshop
participants went to Huntington Beach S. P. to observe shorebirds and work
on techniques for censusing shorebirds.  It may be of interest to you that
it looks like there will be a regular censusing station at HBSP which will
provide data to the International Shorebird Survey.  It was a very
informative and interesting workshop.  Those folks attending from the Outer
Banks and the Georgia coast were quite impressed at the numbers of
shorebirds in the jetty pond flats which held approximately 1700 shorebirds
this afternoon .  They have confirmed what many of us have known and that
is that the jetty pond area is an important area for migrating and
wintering shorebirds.  At the end of the field trip, Gary and I went
birding in other areas of the park.  A total of 59 species were id'd,
including one exceptional bird.

Common Loon-1
Pied-billed Grebe-3
RED-NECKED GREBE-1 found by one of the field trip participants and seen by
N. Gannet-5
Brown Pelican-10
Double-crested Cormorant-4
Great Blue Heron-2
Great Egret-3
Lesser Scaup-1
Red-breasted Merganser-7
Turkey Vulture-1
Bald Eagle-1 adult
Am. Coot-2
Black-bellied Plover-20
Wilson's Plover-7
Semipalmated Plover-625
Piping Plover-11
Greater Yellowlegs-3
Lesser Yellowlegs-1
Ruddy Turnstone-2
Red Knot-6
Western Sandpiper-2
Least Sandpiper-1
Short-billed Dowitcher-250
Laughing Gull-2
Bonaparte's Gull-15
Ring-billed Gull-10
Forster's Tern-2
Mourning Dove-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Downy Woodpecker-1
Pileated Woodpecker-1
Tree Swallow-10
Blue Jay-3
Am. Crow-1
Tufted Titmouse-2
Carolina Wren-3
Marsh Wren-1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-6
Gray Catbird-3
N. Mockingbird-2
Brown Thrasher-3
White-eyed Vireo-2 one singing and one carrying nest material
N. Parula-2 singing-heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-10
Yellow-throated Warbler-1 one heard singing
Pine Warbler-2 heard singing only
Common Yellowthroat-1 male
N. Cardinal-10
E. Towhee-1 heard only
White-throated Sparrow-4
Red-winged Blackbird-6
Boat-tailed Grackle-2
Common Grackle-4

Butterflies seen were: E. Tiger Swallowtail, Black Swallowtail, Red
Admiral, Falcate Orange-tip, Cloudless Sulfur, skipper sp. and possibly a
Giant Swallowtail.

	"Don't forget sometimes you have to look up"


Jack Peachey