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Northern Parulas

With the wonderful spring-like weather decided I'd better brush up on my 
warbler sounds.  I'd been working in the yard and needed the break anyway.  
When I went back outdoors it wasn't long before I heard something that caught 
my attention.  Sure enough, I heard it again.  A northern parula!  This was 
just after reviewing it's song.  Searched the tree I thought it was in and 
there at the top of the sweetgum tree I found it.  There were two.  
Throughout the day I continued to hear and see at least one each time I 
looked.  Guess I won't cuss those gumballs again.

This evening I saw a male cardinal feed a seed to the female so I know spring 
is close.  Still have one red breasted nuthatch coming to feed on the peanuts 
and suet.  Don't see it as often and know it won't be here much longer.

Dianne Smith
Durham, NC