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Chris and I just had a quick but fun visit to Peedee
Wildlife Refuge and heard the Parula, Yellow-throated,
White-eyed vireo, saw a big flock of ? ducks. We did
not have our scope. What would the ducks be? Very
brown beige with big white patches on tops of wings.
Also saw mallards, coots, pied-billed grebes. Lots of
bluebird action and sunning turtles. Thanks to you all
who helped me with the Lake Benson birds. It was a
great walk-Saw Yellow-throated warblers, and blue gray
gnatcatchers as well as Every common bird, too!
Even heard the first Parula in our yard when I got
home yesterday afternoon.

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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