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Fish crows nesting in So. Durham?

Hi all,
    Maybe this isn't as unusual as I think it is, but...I have Fish
Crows (which have been in my yard almost constantly for the last month)
engaging in what certainly appears to be nest-building behavior (have
seen them flying from my yard on several occasions carrying material).
The nest is not in my yard, I'm not sure where it is, but I don't
believe it's very far - and that is the strange part.  There are no real
bodies of water right near me (Jordan Lake is about 6 mi. to the South,
New Hope Creek about 1 mi. to the West), not sure about other
directions, but pretty sure nothing sizable.  Is this unusual, or...?  I
had heard Fish Crows were expanding their ranges inland, but I had
thought that they had still largely stuck to the larger watercourses.


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC