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Re: Fish crows nesting in So. Durham?Hermie singing,too

Behind Stonehenge Market and Outdoor Bird Co. in
Raleigh, the fish crows are going wild chatting and
calling  off and on all day. They are so funny. Just
in the back employee parking lot in the pines above
apt. complex.
Also, this AM was the first I have heard the hermit
thrush sing! So pretty. Kate
--- Sandy Cash <scash@mindspring.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     Maybe this isn't as unusual as I think it is,
> but...I have Fish
> Crows (which have been in my yard almost constantly
> for the last month)
> engaging in what certainly appears to be
> nest-building behavior (have
> seen them flying from my yard on several occasions
> carrying material).
> The nest is not in my yard, I'm not sure where it
> is, but I don't
> believe it's very far - and that is the strange
> part.  There are no real
> bodies of water right near me (Jordan Lake is about
> 6 mi. to the South,
> New Hope Creek about 1 mi. to the West), not sure
> about other
> directions, but pretty sure nothing sizable.  Is
> this unusual, or...?  I
> had heard Fish Crows were expanding their ranges
> inland, but I had
> thought that they had still largely stuck to the
> larger watercourses.
> -Sandy
> --
> Sandy Cash
> Durham, NC
> scash@mindspring.com

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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