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Re: Goose nest options

>I am under the impression that if the nest is disturbed by the removal of 
>the eggs, the parents will abandon and/or attempt
>to renest.

Hi Steve, for what it's worth, I've been following C.G. nesting pairs at the 
Horace Williams tract in Chapel Hill for about 10 yrs. and have seen several 
instances where the nest was disturbed by foxes, snapping turtles, or such. 
In each case the parents left the area within a week thereafter not to be 
seen again.
  Am always amazed at their proliferation, since on average I've only seen 1 
gosling per yr. make it alive to August (out of 5-12 that hatch out). The 
pair I'm watching right now has already failed 2 yrs in a row to 
successfully raise any young.

**Rob Gluck   Chapel Hill    thrush@hotmail.com

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