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"O'Donnell, Jim" <jodonnell@stanadyne.com>: Sneads Ferry Owls

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: "O'Donnell, Jim" <jodonnell@stanadyne.com>
To: "Nell Moore (E-mail)" <jandnmoore@juno.com>
Subject: Sneads Ferry Owls

I've asked Nell Moore to post this reply to Connie & Bob on there
observation of the Great Horned Owl at Pelican Point in Sneads Ferry. I
exactly what tree they are talking about, because it was used last year
the same pair. In fact for the Migration Day Count on the second Sat of
there was still a rather large fledging owl sitting on the nest. With
Horned Owls stop calling before the count, he was very cooperative. I had
him two day before the count, and he was still present when Gill Grant
checked the nest. Giving us our only count for the species.

So thanks for the report, will hope to count him again this May. Also
something I thought of as funny. You used the word "undeveloped area" to
describe the habitat. It reminded me of trips early in the morning with
& Jimi Moore, and thinking the whole world was moving to the Sneads Ferry
area, just a matter of prospective.

If you or any active birder is going to be in the Onslow county area May
?  We sure would like a few more eyes for the NAMDC.
I can be reached at 1-910-347-5481

Jim O'Donnell
664 Fire Tower Rd 
Richlands N.C. 28574
--------- End forwarded message ----------**SEE BELOW ALSO
** It should be noted that Onslow County CAN BE  a great place to do a
Spring Migration Day Count.   I began the count 4 years ago and the
number of species were impressive each year with the high count for the
I believe the 2nd year we had 149 species...among these were 14 species
of Warblers, 2 SANDHILL CRANES and Swallow-Tailed Kite for just a few
goodies.  Since I've moved to TN  Jim has taken over the count. Hope some
of you will go down and join him this year. I bet 160 could be reached
easily with enough of the areas of the county being covered.

Nell Moore
Caryville, TN

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