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Eno Birds

This morning Birdwatching 101 started off great.  We had one Red tail Hawk 
perched and another soaring. Great views of both belly band on the perched 
bird and RED tail on the soaring bird.  Field Sparrows were singing from 
nearly every cedar in Fowler's field.  Black Vultures began to appear, first 
one then two until the finally tally was 8 with a few Turkey Vulture joining 
in the thermal.  On the river there were many "Kodak moments" of 
Yellow-Throated Warblers and Northern Parulas seemingly in every Sycamore on 
the river.  Sometime they were in the same tree and easy to compare.  At the 
power line clearing we were given great looks at a male Common Yellowthroat.  
Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were everywhere. Brown Thrashers are sitting in tree 
top and advertising territory with great gusto.  All in all we had 29 species 
seen including a Screech Owl calling uncharacteristically during the day.
We also saw a Ruby Crowned Kinglet.

Come on down on Saturday mornings at 8:30 until July for my final season as a 
volunteer of birding on the Eno.  I am hanging up my educators hat and 
becoming just another birdwatcher.

See you at the Eno, 
Edith Tatum