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Headboat birding on 4-1-00

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Went headboat birding out of Murrell's Inlet today.  A few things out
there but not much I could identify. From about 5 miles out there were a
total of 40 bird encounters. I solicite any helpful comments.
1. Small to medium size Shearwater-seen for about 10 seconds close to the
boat about 30 miles out on the way back.  All black on upperparts,
underwing interior white winglinings, Primaries underneath were a dark gray
color more like Audubon's and seemingly darker than that shown for Manx in
the Nat. Geo. field guide p.42. Any help here? Undertail coverts were not
seen and did not have time to zero in on the auricular area of the head.
2. N. Gannet-15 seen from 5 miles out to edge of Gulf Stream.  It was
actually the most common bird out there.
3. Phalarope sp. 18. Diffuse gray white upper parts, white underparts with
boat moving rapidly couldn't zero in on bill.  All birds alighted on the
4. Laughing Gull-1
5. Bonaparte's Gull-3
6. Herring Gull-4 all adults
7. Gull sp. 2 both were immatures. One was well seen and very interesting
because there were no brown tones, all the marking were black. Especially
noticeable were crisp black barring running through the upper surface of
the secondaries and inner primaries.  Bill about size of ring-billed and
rather clam colored. Bird's size seemed about that of Ring-billed.
8. Royal Tern-1 or 2
9. Large Tern sp. 4
10. Forster's Tern-1 about 15 miles out
11. medium size Tern sp-1 about 5-8 miles out
12. Least Tern-2 at edge of Gulf Stream.  Is this early and unusally far
from shore?


Jack Peachey