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rode out to "my" pond expecting to see nothing but Can. Geese nesting but
had one Coot, about 10 Ruddy Ducks, 3 Dble crested Cormorants, one with a
very white throat, one with less white and one with a black throat.  It was
neat to see them all in a row at one point.  Also had 1 Northern
Rough-winged Swl. who sat on the wire for me.  Last weekend had one tree
swallow who came close which was nice as I didn't have my binos.  Have 6
nesting geese and 2 pairs who don't seem to have it together yet.  i read in
one of my books that the female does all the incubation.  Never fails to
amaze me that birds, male and female can go so long without food and water.
Especially the male penguins in Antartica.  I do have one
observation/question: one weekend there were several TVs flying over the
little nesting island and they created a ruckous among the geese.  Are the
TVs close enough to raptor shape that they create a reaction from the geese.
TIA for the info.

Pond is in NE Orange CO
Barb Brooks, Hillsborough, NC