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more owl stuff

>Alex N. wrote:
>From what I have heard, GHO's nest in old hawk nests, not in cavities, >as 
>(I think) do also Barred Owls.

No has mentioned that for several yrs. in row (mid '90s) a pair of Grt. 
Horneds nested in a highly-trafficked section of Duke Univ. much to the 
thrill of passersby. One yr. students even made a wicker-basket-and-pulley 
system to hold an owlet in place that kept falling from nest.

  Given the option, barred owls generally choose a cavity nest over a stick 
variety, but if none of suitable size is available than they'll opt for the 
latter. The UNC pair do appear to be nesting now (owlets due to emerge by 
end of May??), but still don't know for sure which tree nest is in.

**Rob Gluck (sullen)
Chapel Hill (quiet)
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